Lottie Element
Excellent for adding light and eye-catching animations to your site. Impressive animations will engage more customers and boost conversation rates.

Advanced Lottie Options
Bricksable will allow you to harness the power of Lottie to add interactive vector animations to your websites. Lightweight JSON files provide high performance, quality and efficiency to keep your site loading and running fast.

JSON Uploads
Built-in JSON upload option. Simply upload or reference an external .json file and adjust as desired.

Trigger Options
With tons of option available to you. From Trigger, Viewport method to on hover/click. You can do anything you want.

Includes several animation options, allowing you to customize such as Loop it, reverse it and more.
Do More with Lottie Element
Choose from thousands of animations in the LottieFiles library to suit your style and content–and get your viewer’s attention.
Play On Hover
Animation will trigger on hover and stop on mouse out action.
Play On Click
Animation will trigger on click action. Get creative with more options.
Play On Viewport
Animation will start playing when you’re in the viewport.
Trigger On Scroll
Lottie Animation will start playing as you scroll down or up the page.
The plug-in packed with everything you need to build amazing websites with ease.